Nivelieris krustlīniju lāzeris 3D-MARK 1V / 1H-360-60 Green (144-3G-360)

Availability: In Stock
ID: 1703
Product Code: 66-360A

(Ex Tax: 324.38€)

Delivery options

  • Pick-up Parcel



  • Pick-up in our store

Stacijas iela 36, Valmiera

  • Delivery by courier


  • Receiving goods at our store is free.
  • If you have chosen to receive the product(s) in one of our stores, it would be advisable to contact us by phone first. +37129185988 or e-mail to find out about the availability of the product in the store and in the warehouse.


Līmeņa pašlīmeņojošs lāzera 3D-Mark, 2Vx360 / 1Hx360 līnija. Precizitāte +/- 3 mm / 10 m. Diapazons 30m neatkarīgā režīmā, 50m ar detektoru. Pašizlīdzinošais leņķis 4 ° +/- 1 °. Alternatīva horizontālo, vertikālo līniju un arī kombinētā režīma iekļaušana. Visu līniju izvietojuma leņķis 360. Gumijots korpuss no ABS plastmasas, aizsardzības pakāpe IP54. Zaļais stars. Litija jonu akumulators nodrošinās uzticamu darbu diapazonā no -10 līdz +50 C. Uzglabāšanas temperatūra no -20 līdz +70
The color of the item may differ from that shown in the picture. The product description is general and may not necessarily mention all the characteristics. Prices of products in an e-shop may vary from those in supermarkets and service centers. The inventory and e-store balance can fluctuate, so in such cases, the delivery terms may differ from those specified at the time of the order, and/or we may not be able to complete your order or only partially execute it. In such cases, the Buyer will be informed immediately.
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