Thread renewal kit for spark plugs

Availability: Out Of Stock
ID: 11886
Product Code: 40381

/ gab
(Ex Tax: 4.13€)

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Stacijas iela 36, Valmiera

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  • Receiving goods at our store is free.
  • If you have chosen to receive the product(s) in one of our stores, it would be advisable to contact us by phone first. +37129185988 or e-mail to find out about the availability of the product in the store and in the warehouse.


Paredzēts vītnes atjaunošanai iekšdedzes dzinēju sveču caurumos.
Piemērojams dzinējiem ar sveču vītnes izmēru М14х1,25 mm.
Sastāv no vītņurbja un četriem vītņveida riteņu skrūvem ar garumu 9,5; 11,1; 12,7 un 19,0 mm.
Tiek piegādāts individuālā blistera iepakojumā.

Image Product Name Unit Price Product Code Availability Quantity
Набор для восстановления резьбы M12x1.25 SATRA S-X38G Набор для восстановления резьбы M12x1.25 SATRA S-X38G 14.50€ / gab S-X38G
Out Of Stock
/ gab
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